Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?
- You’re tried to talk with your partner by confronting them. They don’t seem to want to talk. They withdraw and walk away. You don’t know what to do to get your partner to communicate with you. Raising your voice and yelling has not helped.
- You’re angry with your partner because they turn the conversation around and blame you. Nothing gets accomplished or resolved. You feel its now a waste of time trying to talk anymore about your problems.
- You’ve a middle age adult trying to talk to your parents about family problems. Your parents do not seem to listen and understand your point of view. Your frustrated in knowing how to get your parents to listen and try to understand you.
- Your husband or wife has cancer and/or chronic health problem. Your family and friends pay more attention and concern for him or her. You are feeling alone and wish they would ask you how you are coping. You have made attempts to get attention but your loved ones don’t get the message how much you are suffering as a caregiver.
You are divorce and/or widowed. The loneliness seems unbearable and you wished your loved ones and friends would reach out more often. You desperately want to talk with them but you don’t know what to say and you don’t want to feel like a burden.
Your partner or a family member seems to be drinking more alcohol or maybe it’s prescription drugs, gambling, or pornography. It’s definitely a problem that is getting worse. You have tried to talk, but nothing seems to change. - You were emotionally and physically abused as a child or as an adult. It could have been in your marriage. You need some help in working through the abuse because its getting in the way of your relationships. The abuse may also have been sexual. Your confidence has taken a nosedive, and you want more self esteem.
- You’ve a good friend to others. However, you have been reaching out inviting your friends to do things but they turn you down for one reason or the other. You are not getting the connection you want and feel alone and stuck in what to do now
If you are in these or in other similar situations, I can help you.
My clients are:
- Single men and women
- Married men and women
- Couples together
- Widowed or never married
- Separated and/or divorced
- With or without children (teenagers/adults) at home
Maybe you wonder if counseling will work for you?
Most people respond positively if they are:
- Willing to get help. Sometimes you need the right professional support to guide you through the process of finding solutions and healing emotional pain.
- Wanting to change and take responsibility for themselves to reduce their symptoms and solve their problems.
If this is you and you are ready to get help for your problems, you can start by contacting me for your free 15 minute phone conversation Click here to see if we are a good fit.
Then, again, your still not sure, Click here “How It Works”.